Science Communication


The Benguela Project: A short video summarising the aims and plan activities conducted as part of my current ISblue postdoc at Laboratoire des Sciences de l'Environnement Marin (LEMAR) in France.

Group photo of the course “Best Practices in Aquatic Food Web Investigations: Stable Isotope and Fatty Acid Approaches” hosted by SAIAB in collaboration with NIOZ with the support of the Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR).

Feature 1

Article on the False Bay Water Quality Project. The Sunday Times. 2022

Photo 3. Student sorting a benthic dredge during the SEAmester cruise. Photo credit Morgan Trimble.jpg

Feature 5

Featured on SEAmester- First South African floating University, 2017


Feature 1

Featured on the BIENVENÜE- EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and Région Bretagne programme. 2021

Feature 2

Featured in Meet the next generation of deep-sea researchers: Eleonora Puccinelli. Deep-Sea Biology Society. 2020


Feature 3

Featured in public article “Vacuum cleaners of the sea: in the age of anthropogenic impacts” by L. Dlamini, in National Research Foundation Nugget, 2019


Feature 4

Featured in public article “SEAmester South Africa’ university afloat” by Morgan Trimble in “Quest”, 2017